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Operator Dasar

This section explains how to use basic operators in Python.

Operator Aritmatika

Seperti bahasa pemrograman lainnya, operator penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, dan pembagian dapat digunakan dengan angka.

number = 1 + 2 * 3 / 4.0

Cobalah untuk memprediksi apa jawaban yang akan dihasilkan. Apakah Python mengikuti urutan operasi?

Operator lain yang tersedia adalah operator modulo (%) yang mengembalikan sisa hasil bagi sebagai bilangan bulat. dividend % divisor = remainder.

remainder = 11 % 3

Menggunakan dua simbol perkalian menciptakan hubungan pangkat.

squared = 7 ** 2
cubed = 2 ** 3

Menggunakan Operator dengan String

Python mendukung penggabungan string menggunakan operator penjumlahan:

helloworld = "hello" + " " + "world"

Python juga mendukung mengalikan string untuk membentuk string dengan urutan yang berulang:

lotsofhellos = "hello" * 10

Menggunakan Operator dengan Daftar

Daftar dapat digabungkan dengan operator penjumlahan:

even_numbers = [2,4,6,8]
odd_numbers = [1,3,5,7]
all_numbers = odd_numbers + even_numbers

Sama seperti pada string, Python mendukung membentuk daftar baru dengan urutan yang berulang menggunakan operator perkalian:

print([1,2,3] * 3)


The target of this exercise is to create two lists called x_list and y_list, which contain 10 instances of the variables x and y, respectively. You are also required to create a list called big_list, which contains the variables x and y, 10 times each, by concatenating the two lists you have created.

x = object() y = object() # TODO: change this code x_list = [x] y_list = [y] big_list = [] print("x_list contains %d objects" % len(x_list)) print("y_list contains %d objects" % len(y_list)) print("big_list contains %d objects" % len(big_list)) # testing code if x_list.count(x) == 10 and y_list.count(y) == 10: print("Almost there...") if big_list.count(x) == 10 and big_list.count(y) == 10: print("Great!") x = object() y = object() # TODO: change this code x_list = [x] * 10 y_list = [y] * 10 big_list = x_list + y_list print("x_list contains %d objects" % len(x_list)) print("y_list contains %d objects" % len(y_list)) print("big_list contains %d objects" % len(big_list)) # testing code if x_list.count(x) == 10 and y_list.count(y) == 10: print("Almost there...") if big_list.count(x) == 10 and big_list.count(y) == 10: print("Great!") Ex().check_object('x_list').has_equal_value(expr_code = 'len(x_list)') Ex().check_object('y_list').has_equal_value(expr_code = 'len(y_list)') Ex().check_object('big_list').has_equal_value(expr_code = 'len(big_list)') success_msg('Good work!')

This site is generously supported by DataCamp. DataCamp offers online interactive Python Tutorials for Data Science. Join over a million other learners and get started learning Python for data science today!

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