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Python 使用布尔逻辑来评估条件。当一个表达式被比较或评估时,会返回布尔值 True 和 False。例如:

python x = 2 print(x == 2) # 输出 True print(x == 3) # 输出 False print(x < 3) # 输出 True




```python name = "John" age = 23 if name == "John" and age == 23: print("Your name is John, and you are also 23 years old.")

if name == "John" or name == "Rick": print("Your name is either John or Rick.") ```

"in" 运算符


python name = "John" if name in ["John", "Rick"]: print("Your name is either John or Rick.")

Python 使用缩进来定义代码块,而不是括号。标准的 Python 缩进是 4 个空格,虽然制表符和其他任意数量的空格也可以,只要保持一致即可。注意,代码块不需要任何终止符。

这是一个使用 Python "if" 语句的代码块示例:

python statement = False another_statement = True if statement is True: # 做某事 pass elif another_statement is True: # 否则如果 # 做其他事 pass else: # 做另一件事 pass


python x = 2 if x == 2: print("x equals two!") else: print("x does not equal to two.")

如果以下其中之一正确,则语句被评估为真: 1. 给定了布尔变量 "True",或者通过表达式计算得出,例如算术比较。 2. 传递了一个不被认为是“空”的对象。

以下是一些被认为是空的对象示例: 1. 空字符串:"" 2. 空列表:[] 3. 数字零:0 4. 布尔变量 False: False

'is' 运算符


python x = [1,2,3] y = [1,2,3] print(x == y) # 输出 True print(x is y) # 输出 False

"not" 运算符


python print(not False) # 输出 True print((not False) == (False)) # 输出 False


更改第一部分的变量,使每个 if 语句的结果为 True。

# change this code number = 10 second_number = 10 first_array = [] second_array = [1,2,3] if number > 15: print("1") if first_array: print("2") if len(second_array) == 2: print("3") if len(first_array) + len(second_array) == 5: print("4") if first_array and first_array[0] == 1: print("5") if not second_number: print("6") # change this code number = 16 second_number = 0 first_array = [1,2,3] second_array = [1,2] if number > 15: print("1") if first_array: print("2") if len(second_array) == 2: print("3") if len(first_array) + len(second_array) == 5: print("4") if first_array and first_array[0] == 1: print("5") if not second_number: print("6") test_output_contains("1", no_output_msg= "Did you print out 1 if `number` is greater than 15?") test_output_contains("2", no_output_msg= "Did you print out 2 if there exists a list `first_array`?") test_output_contains("3", no_output_msg= "Did you print out 3 if the length of `second_array` is 2?") test_output_contains("4", no_output_msg= "Did you print out 4 if len(first_array) + len(second_array) == 5?") test_output_contains("5", no_output_msg= "Did you print out 5 if first_array and first_array[0] == 1?") test_output_contains("6", no_output_msg= "Did you print out 6 if not second_number?") success_msg("Great Work!")

This site is generously supported by DataCamp. DataCamp offers online interactive Python Tutorials for Data Science. Join over a million other learners and get started learning Python for data science today!

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