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内容: 在 Python 中,每个函数接受的参数数量是预定义的,如果正常声明的话,如下所示:

python def myfunction(first, second, third): # 对三个变量进行某些操作 ...


python def foo(first, second, third, *therest): print("First: %s" % first) print("Second: %s" % second) print("Third: %s" % third) print("And all the rest... %s" % list(therest))

“therest”变量是一个变量列表,它接收所有在前三个参数之后传递给“foo”函数的参数。因此调用foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)将输出:

```python def foo(first, second, third, *therest): print("First: %s" %(first)) print("Second: %s" %(second)) print("Third: %s" %(third)) print("And all the rest... %s" %(list(therest)))

foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ```

也可以通过关键字传递函数参数,这样参数的顺序就不重要了,使用以下语法。以下代码提供以下输出: 输出: The sum is: 6 Result: 1

```python def bar(first, second, third, **options): if options.get("action") == "sum": print("The sum is: %d" %(first + second + third))

result = bar(1, 2, 3, action = "sum", number = "first") print("Result: %d" %(result)) ```



填充 foobar 函数,使它们可以接收可变数量的参数(3个或更多)。 foo 函数必须返回接收到的额外参数的数量。 如果带有关键字 magicnumber 的参数等于7,bar 函数必须返回 True,否则返回 False

This site is generously supported by DataCamp. DataCamp offers online interactive Python Tutorials for Data Science. Join over a million other learners and get started learning Python for data science today!

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