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from functools import partial


from functools import partial

def multiply(x, y):
        return x * y

# 创建一个新的乘以2的函数
dbl = partial(multiply, 2)




#Following is the exercise, function provided: from functools import partial def func(u, v, w, x): return u*4 + v*3 + w*2 + x #Enter your code here to create and print with your partial function from functools import partial def func(u, v, w, x): return u*4 + v*3 + w*2 + x p = partial(func,5,6,7) print(p(8)) #test_object('p') test_output_contains('60') success_msg('Good job!')

This site is generously supported by DataCamp. DataCamp offers online interactive Python Tutorials for Data Science. Join over a million other learners and get started learning Python for data science today!

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